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Behaviour Improvement & Coaching Solutions

Dedicated tailored support for schools and families in behaviour improvement and children's social and emotional learning.

BICS support and coaching is focused

on 4 key areas


Bespoke Support

BICS offers schools four key strands of bespoke support


Advice, consultancy and training in behaviour improvement / behaviour for learning / behaviour for safety


1:1 coaching for staff to improve build confidence / improve performance


1:1 confidential headteacher coaching focused on personal support and professional challenge


1:1 wellbeing coaching focused on meeting health and wellbeing needs

All at a pay as you go, fixed cost price to suit your budget whilst meeting your individual school needs.

Latest News

'Sutton Green has found working with Gary very valuable. He has been able to provide an experienced external viewpoint and input linked to school focuses on behaviour management, support with targeted pupils and families, training with our lunchtime staff and individual coaching. I would have no hesitation in recommending him'

Mrs Ann Griffiths | Headteacher, Sutton Green Primary School

About us

Tailored support to meet your specific school needs including a FREE initial consultation/planning session.

I am a freelance Behaviour Improvement Consultant with 8 years' experience of working with schools in a large local authority. In that role I worked in a multi-professional context to provide dedicated support for schools in behaviour improvement and children's social and emotional learning.


I was also a member of a Special Educational Needs Panel which assessed school requests for additional funding and support and this gave me an in depth insight into identifying the primary special need and advising on a multi-professional programme of support and on setting up a team around the child and family.


In terms of teaching experience, I have taught in both primary and secondary schools, held senior management posts in both sectors and I have also been a headteacher of two schools, a primary and an infant school.


Gary Terretta BA JP

Behaviour Consultant & Personal Coach


Office: 01207 292908


Mobile: 07807 224 868



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